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Installing a Boot Loader to a HDD

Stage 9 - Configure Open PS2 Loader

In this stage we will

  • Run the Open PS2 Loader
  • Configure PS2 Loader to see the HDD

In the previous stage we managed to get FMCB to be configured to add Open PS2 loader to appear on the main menu. Open PS2 is also on the Memory Card so we just need to tidy up the configuration to allow Open PS2 Loader to run properly.

Reboot with Open PS2

Reboot the PS2 and you should see the new menu item

Open PS2 Loader

Select this new menu item you created

Open PS2 Settings

Select Settings

In this next step we need to configure Open PS2 Loader to point to the HDD and also ensure it spins up and default the games search to the HDD

Open PS2 Loader

Adjust settings like HDD Device Start

This completes stage 9

Previous: Stage 8 ------ Next: Stage 10