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Installing a Boot Loader to a HDD

Stage 7 - Copy Open PS2 Loader

In this stage we will

  • Copy the PS2 Loader to the Sony Memory Card and open it

In the previous stage we managed to get a boot loader onto the Memory Card so we can run a file manager now on the PS2 Phat without the need for a DVD boot disk


FMCB if installed correctly on the Sony Memory Card will show this splash screen

FMCB Launch

Select LaunchELF

FMCB Launch

Select FileBrowser


Select Mass:/ (which is the USB)


Select Mass:/ (which is the USB) and then select Open PS2 as shown


Copy the folder


Navigate the the Sony Memory Card Root Directory

Open PS2 Paste

Paste Open PS2 here

Open PS2 Copy

Files will copy

Open PS2 Copied

Open PS2 is now on the Sony Memory Card

Now reboot the PS2 Console. The USB is no longer needed please remove it to avoid issues with the Open PS loader saving configuration files later on

FMCB Configurator

Free MC Boot Configurator Should appear

This completes stage 7

Previous: Stage 6 ------ Next: Stage 8