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NES Information

Technical Information

The Nintendo Entertainment System or NES as it is often known was a home, games console from the mid 80s. The system is functionally a standalone unit and uses cartridge games to run

Like many electronics from the 1980s the unit is assembled in a way that is easy to disassemble. Working from the bottom, remove the screws and unit will come apart with ease.

NES Logo
Nintendo Entertainment System
Release Year
Japan: 15 July 1983
US: 18 Oct 1985
Europe: 1 Sept 1986
Aus: Approx 1987
Ricoh 2A07
H: ?mm
W: ?mm
D: ?mm

I received a NES from a relative and the description was simply "it doesn't work but the light comes on. Cartridges won't load"

Shown here is the actual unit. Plugging it in and testing with a cartridge confirmed the owner's observation.

The unit was completely disassembled down to the individual components as the unit required some minor cleaning. A common issue with the NES is the cartridge connector and if the power light comes on but nothing else happens, chances are it is not reading the game cartridge. So the approach taken was to disassemble, clean and then inspect and clean the connectors. This unit is over 30 years old so any connectors that interface with the user are likely to be worn down, dirty or damaged.